Thursday, January 10, 2013

Reflection on 2012 ~ Welcome 2013

Hello and Happy New Year Everyone!

I know it’s been awhile since my last entry. My computer has been having problems with Blogger and I’ve been too preoccupied to get these problems fixed. I do think though that I’m going to switch from Blogger to Wordpress sometime this June, perhaps around June or so.

In any case, I’ve been thinking about what to write for my first post of the year. In the last few days of 2012 I was doing some serious thinking about weather or not 2012 was really a good year for me and what do I really want in 2013. My conclusion: 2012 was a good year. But not in the way that I had originally wished. Looking at my post from the beginning of 2012 here I see that I honestly didn’t really accomplish much on my resolution list and the year itself was hardly as eventful as 2011 was, but at the same time I accomplished some things that I feel are more important, all of them were internal.

In 2012 I finally came to terms with who I am and gave up my goal to one day be a size 2-6. At this point I just want to be healthy both in my body and in my mind; I don’t think setting these ridiculous goals and expectations for myself will help that cause. I began to drift away from certain people but I’ve also become closer to others too, much closer. For a long time I honestly believed that I was all alone in this world and for the most part everyone hated me, I know better now and I’m glad I have such a great support system.

I didn’t get to see Versailles after all but I have no regrets at all about skipping going to Japan to go to PMX. I think in a lot of ways I had more fun at PMX then I would have going to Japan at that time and I was beyond happy to see Moon Stream finally and meet Satsuki. I feel somehow that if I could do that than certainly maybe one day, when they come back, I can finally see Versailles too. I will keep that hope for as long as I can.

As far as 2013 goes, I’m not making any real resolutions. My one goal for this year is simply to be happy, be at peace, and strive to do my best in all that I do. I know there are people who love me; I know that I’m not a terrible repulsive freak. I want to hold onto these beliefs and let them give me the strength I need to truly be the girl I want to be. The ONE thing that could be considered a resolution for myself is that I want to get an artist table at an artist alley for any of the cons I go to this year selling my nails and other accessories. I got a lot of good feedback on my creations this year from my friends, other lolita and gyaru and even my teacher at fashion school.

In the meantime I’m preparing to return to actual college this year, I’ll still go to fashion school but for the time being I want to focus on school where I can actually get some kind of degree, I’ll return to fashion school most likely this fall. As for conventions, I’m going to go to the main 3 in my area: Katsucon (for staffing, not for fun this time. XD), Otakon and Anime USA. But as far as traveling far for a con goes, probably none of that this year besides Anime Matsuri. I am planning to move by the end of this year into a new place so probably no PMX this year neither. Me and Bibi MAY go to Anime Boston but that depends strongly on the guest list. And of course if Satsuki shows up any anything this year I’ll just rob a bank and make that work into my schedule too! LMAO!

So far however 2013 has gotten off to a very good start. Recently I finally managed to buy not one but TWO of my dream dresses! I can’t wait until they arrive. I will talk about them in my next entry. Again happy new year everyone. I hope 2013 is prosperous and kind to all of you! ^o^

My last lolita picture of 2012, taken on New Years Eve.

Yours Jasmine

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